Medical activityDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Debrecen
Patient care General obstetrics and gynecology in outpatient and inpatient care, including work at delivery room (deliveries, vacuum extraction, caesarean section), pathologic pregnancy ward, puerperial ward, gynecologic surgeries, general gynecology, gynaecologic oncology, endocrinology, ultrasonography. University education Seminars and practicals for medical students in both the Hungarian and English gradual program. Tutor and reviewer of theses. Coordinator of foreign student on senior medical student rotations (ERASMUS, MOE, HMAA). Research Study coordinator of several double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled clinical studies (gynecologic oncology, preterm delivery, endometriosis). Coordinator of a proteomic tumor marker study of ovarian cancer patients in collaboration with other departments of our university. Regular participant of conferences and publisher in professional journals (see also my publications). Gynapraxis Private Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic All gynecologic and obstetric examinations, interventions that can be carried out in an outpatient setting - details in Hungarian at "Magánrendelés >> Szolgáltatások >> Szülészet / Nőgyógyászat" in the menu, or personal information and/or scheduling a visit on the phone (for an appointment or information, see "Appointments"). Writing articles for health care professionals as well as patients about the latest scientific and clinical results in the field of both obstetrics and gynecology. These articles are available in Hungarian at "Szakmai újdonságok" in the menu. |